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The Chaos Beta Reader/ARC/Street Team Sign Up
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Email (if applying to beta read must be gmail)
Name (penname/preferred name is fine)
Preferred Pronouns
Some of my books will be "diet spice" and others will contain explicit content. Are you at least 18 years of age or older? If the answer is no, you will only be sent any potential future YA or children's titles.
Social Media Handle/s
Which team/s are you wanting to potentially be on? (description of each below, select all that apply))
Beta Team (help fix any plot holes, bad writing, poor character development, or storyline before the book hits the shelves)
ARC Team (receive an advanced copy of the finished manuscript, post reviews when the book releases, and help market the book on social media before and after release)
Street Team (for marketing, you will be provided with copies of the videos I make for social media, graphics, and be given the opportunity for ebook & audiobook codes to do giveaways)
Have you Beta/ARC read before?
Yes – Beta
Yes – ARC
Yes – Both
What author's have you Beta/ARC read for before? You don't have to list every single one, just 1-2 (street team only, say street team only :))
The purpose of ARC/Street teams is to read the book and promote it on at least one social media platform. Please select any of the social media sites like to post photos/video reviews.
Are you willing to leave a review of the book on Amazon, Bookbub, Goodreads, Allauthor, and/or any other reviewing platform? (Preferably on release day, but I understand lives get busy) NOTE: Not all of these places are required. Do as many as you want, I just ask that you do at least one.
What are your favorite genre/s? You will be sent books I release in the genre/s you prefer. Currently writing Fantasy/Romance I know these are broad overarching categories, but these should cover anything I will ever write.
Mystery, Thriller & Suspense (unlikely to come from me but you never know)
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Teen & Young Adult
Genre/s you will not read? I know these are broad overarching categories, but these should cover anything I will ever write.
Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
Science Fiction & Fantasy
Teen & Young Adult
I want this to be a safe space for you. Do you have any triggers I need to be aware of? I will do my best to make sure you are forewarned so this stays a safe space for you! This also helps me be more aware of potential triggers to list in my front matter!
Readers: Thank you for your interest in my books! If you're chosen, you will be added to my newsletter/email list for upcoming opportunities and more! Leave any questions or comments below, otherwise leave blank.
Last question for ARC/Street Team, what's your favorite book? (Beta's please answer and continue below)
BETA READERS ONLY: How long does it take you to read a 300 page novel? (on average)
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
1 month
BETA READERS ONLY: Are you willing to answer a survey at the end of the book?